The Ethics of Online Safety and Security: Workshop 1. Online Behaviour
Thursday 13 Oct 15:45 (BST)
Details of the
As part of this free online session, we have invited Maria Bell, Managing
Director of Mesomorphic to offer
an overview of the first theme of our new series of “Maddie is Online: ethics of online
safety and security" on 'Online
The concepts that will be explored include:
- Online behaviours that carry risk of harm to
- Private vs. public ideas of personal data on social
Learning objectives
of theme 1 of the series:
- I can understand how online behaviours may result in
risk of harm to myself or others.
- I know how to keep personal information private, and
that personal or private data of others should not be shared on social
- I can give examples of what anyone may or may not be
willing to share about. themselves online.
- I can explain the need to be careful before sharing
anything personal.
- I can explain and give examples of the difference
between online bullying and teasing online.
- I can explain and give examples of how sharing online
personal information can affect school, family, social life and/or future
- I can identify choices and demonstrate strategies to
keep my apps and devices up-to-date and I back up my data.
About the work
“Maddie is Online: a creative learning path to ethics of online safety and
security for young people” is a project funded by the Scottish Government and
supported by Digital Xtra Fund.
Access the ‘Maddie
is Online’ bookshelf with links to all the free eBooks (and early access to
the new theme on the Ethics of Online safety and security) made with love for
the community of librarians and educators, who are passionate about
information, media and digital literacy.
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